Dear Parishioners and Friends of St. Francis,
Once again, a great many thanks to Alesha Radke who spearheaded the work at our Pierce County Fair Stand. I was there on Friday, before the great rains came, and the workers in the Fair stand were going about their tasks like a well oiled machine. Great Job everyone making this year another success in raising money and building St. Francis Parish community! At the fair I’m always impressed with the great number of our parishioners, and especially our young people, who bring in so many animals to show along with all the pictures, arts and crafts. I even met and petted a polish chicken named Einstein!
We have worked on updating our webpage at The newest piece is an updated calendar which will show when there are events in the church, parish hall, kc room, and school and include youth ministry and religious ed events. The new calendar also allows some interaction so that you can download events to your own calendar if you wish. Not sure how useful that is, but it lets you do it.
Did you know that St. Francis Parish has an Endowment Fund? The Endowment Fund is invested in stocks and bonds and each year the Parish receives interest and dividend income from that Endowment Fund. Our Endowment Fund is invested with BMO Harris and follows the Diocese of La Crosse principles on ethical investing. Like all Endowments, the principal amount is kept untouched to benefit the parish for the future. Since July of 2022, the Endowment Fund returned $9,574 to the parish for our operating budget. The Endowment fund principal fluctuates a little as the markets change and so interest and dividends also fluctuates. The value of the Endowment as of June 30, 2023, was $226,069. Planned giving to the St. Francis Endowment Fund by wills, trusts or estates, is a common way for the Endowment to grow. This gives to your parish as a truly lasting legacy, since the parish benefits from the interest and dividend income each year while keeping the principal amount untouched.
Speaking of money, the Diocese of La Crosse Annual Appeal will soon be with us again. This past year the Annual Appeal was rolled into the Inspired by the Spirit Campaign and there was no separate Annual Appeal. The Diocesan Annual Appeal is, in reality, a bill the Diocese sends to the parishes and it must be paid. The Appeal does much good work in the Diocese including paying for seminarians to study for the priesthood and helps Catholic Charities do its work throughout the Diocese. The advantage to the parish from the Annual Appeal is that any amount given to the Appeal which exceeds the target set by the Diocese comes back directly to the parish and is not further taxed by the Diocese. The very best way to give to your parish is to give generously to the Annual Appeal. Just a reminder that if it is difficult to give to both your pledge to the Inspired by the Spirit Campaign and to give to the Annual Appeal this year, giving to the Annual Appeal is the most beneficial for the parish.
May your faith and good works continue to Make Jesus Famous,
Fr. Olson