The month of November is traditionally dedicated to praying for the departed but begins on the 1st with recalling the promise of heaven given to the saints. November 2nd is the Feast of All Souls where we pray for all the faithful departed that they may swiftly pass into heaven to enjoy the eternal banquet.
As Catholics, our belief in Purgatory lies behind the celebration of All Souls Day. As members of the Mystical Body of Christ, we pray for one another including the dead that their transition to heaven may be swift and be made easier by our prayers. As the dead come to heaven to join the saints known to be there, they also join their prayers to the prayers of all the saints to help us on earth. We pray for the dead and the dead in turn will intercede for us who are living on the earth. The three parts of the Mystical Body of Christ – the church alive on earth, those in Purgatory, and those in Heaven- all form a communion of shared prayer and intercession.
November 2nd is traditionally a day to make a visit to a cemetery to pray for our loved ones but also to pray for other members of the Body of Christ whom we may not know. The Catholic Church provides an indulgence, the remission of the penalties of sin, for someone prayed for on All Souls Day and throughout the month of November. A plenary indulgence may be gained for our faithful departed during the first eight days of November by A. visiting the grave of the dead and praying for the person, B. attending Mass and receiving Communion, C. praying for the intentions of the Pope (usually one Our Father and one Hail Mary), D. if aware of sin, going to confession 20 days before or after visiting the grave, and e. being yourself free from all attachment to sin. Even if you don’t do this just right you can gain a partial indulgence for the dead person.
During the rest of the days of November, a partial indulgence can be gained simply by visiting the grave and offering prayers for the person. What all the rules boil down to is it’s good to pray for the dead and they will receive some grace from God by our prayers and actions.
So, visit a cemetery in November and pray for some of the people there. It will be good for them and good for you too.